This testimony is from Cassia Guimaraes, whose little girl, Bia, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when she was 4 years old.
In 2013, when Bia was 7 years old, Cassia was desperate and thinking about starting the girl on Interferons, since Bia was having 2 to 3 flare ups a year. That's when Cassia learned about the Coimbra Protocol and took Bia for an appointment with Dr. Coimbra.
Bia started the treatment with high doses of vitamin D in October 2013.Since then, in three and a half years of treatment, Bia has never had a flare up again. This is a recent post that Cassia has just shared with the FB Brazilian groups, and we asked permission to post it here for you:
"Coming by to tell you that Bia had a return appointment today with Dr. Cicero, and she is doing SOOOO well. She's even gonna celebrate with chocolate today. And from next year on she won't need yearly appointments anymore. For all this I thank God, and the Doctor, and especially Q.S. because without her I would not have been able to take Bia to Dr. Coimbra, she always helps me with the supplements, the tickets and the tests, and she gives me a lot of encouragement and support. I'm also grateful to the whole group, you have helped me in so many ways. And I also have to congratulate my daughter who follows the treatment perfectly and never complains about the diet or about anything. She is my warrior!"
P.S. the picture below is from Bia's second appointment, in April, 2014.