This is Ludi Carneiro, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in March of 2011. Two months later, Ludi became pregnant with her first child and decided to look into more natural treatments for MS. She found out about high doses of vitamin D and was able to schedule an appointment with Dr. Coimbra. She started treatment in October of 2011, during her fifth month of pregnancy.
Ludi has now had two pregnancies while following the Coimbra Protocol. Less than three months ago she gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl. This is what Ludi recently wrote us about her experience with high doses of vitamin D so far: "When I first got sick I had so many symptoms; weakness, fatigue, tingling, and several others that I do not even remember after my treatment. I'm so grateful to Dr. Coimbra for seeing me right away despite his busy schedule, I went to his office with a heart full of hope, and once I met him in person, I knew I was following the right path. Today, five years later, I have a completely normal life and two beautiful children, I've had two easy, great pregnancies without the need to interrupt my treatment. My children are so strong, healthy and beautiful. The only memory I have of MS is a slight weakness in my left leg, which does not prevent me from doing anything; walking, running, jumping, practicing sports and lifting weights, everything I used to do before my diagnosis. Today I take 60,000 IU a day and live a normal, healthy life."