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Ana Claudia Domene - Multiple Sclerosis/Esclerose Múltipla
ENGLISH: Interview given by the patient Ana Claudia Domene to the Brazilian newspaper "O Povo". Ana has MS and has been on the Coimbra...

Juliana Menezes - Multiple Sclerosis/pregancy Esclerose Múltipla/gestação
ENGLISH: Beautiful testimony of Juliana Menezes, patient with Multiple Sclerosis who's been following the Coimbra Protocol for 4 years:...

Carmen Campo - Multiple Sclerosis/Esclerose Múltipla
ENGLISH: This is Carmen Campo, diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 21 years ago and for 8 years following the Coimbra Protocol: "I have...

Ana Paula - Alopecia Areata
ENGLISH: Post by Inês de França, about the results her sister, Ana Paula, is having with the Coimbra Protocol for Alopecia Areata. Ana...

Dr. Otavio Freitas - Multiple Sclerosis/Esclerose Múltipla
ENGLISH: Beautiful article with the testimony written by Dr. Otávio Freitas, Neurosurgeon diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2009. "In...

Lili Bilić - Lyme Disease/Doença de Lyme
ENGLISH: Post by Lili Bilić, a patient from Croatia diagnosed with Lyme Disease 7 years ago and for the last two years following the...

Valentina - Atopic Dermatitis/Dermatite Atópica
ENGLISH: Testimony of Elizangela Lopez in the Brazilian protocol group (link below): "Good morning, vitamin D people! Just passing...

Ronaldo Ramos - Multiple Sclerosis/Esclerose Múltipla
ENGLISH: This is Ronaldo Ramos, one of the first patients on the Coimbra Protocol. Ronaldo was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2001...

Nathy Longo - Multiple Sclerosis/Esclerose Múltipla
ENGLISH: This is Nathy Longo, diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 14 years ago and for 9 years treating herself exclusively with the...

Clarice Metri - Myasthenia Gravis/Miastenia Gravis
ENGLISH: Post by Clarice Metri, a patient diagnosed with myasthenia gravis almost 20 years ago, who's been following the Coimbra Protocol...

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